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Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385 US $290.00

Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin
Color - Black
Width - 30cm
Height - 26cm
Thickness - 14cm
Distance from top of handbag up to the handles - 15cm
For manufacturing of this handbags used high-end manufactured genuine stingray leather. Handbag of this model will appeal to those women who prefer handbags of average size with good capacity. Model of this handbag made looks like famous handbag from Hermes Birkin. As a main decoration of this handbag on main and back surfaces used valve made from genuine stingray skin and decorative belt-strap around whole handbag with lock decorated by stingray skin. On main and back surfaces of this handbag we can clearly see white eyes this is typical ornamentation of goods from stingray skin. Handbag inside made from one volume. On inner sides of handbag located pockets 2 pockets one with zipper and 1 pocket without zipper. For greater flexibility and elasticity sides parts are made from soft calfskin. Lining material is soft cloth.

Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385Stingray skin handbag replica of Hermes Birkin 385

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